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Cymbales et un mars

Crée des hi hats et des cymbales avec Massive

Quatrième épisode de PASS PASS LE BEAT : cette fois ci, on crée un des hi hats et des cymbales via la synthèse sonore avec Massive. Lire la suite…
Avis des utilisateurs
  • the guitaristthe guitarist

    Arme de production MASSIVE

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 21/04/19 à 14:06
    c'est une révolution,ça contient une quantité de son incroyable peut être plus que nexus² les sons sont intéressant et de qualité on peu modeler le son comme on le désir ce qui est assez pratique pour le sound desing je n'ai aucun reproche a faire a ce vsti il n'as que des qualité et pour ce que c'est c'est vraiment pas cher
  • darklinuxdarklinux

    La carpe et le lapin

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 06/01/17 à 06:54
    Je me remet doucement à la dark ambient et en attendant d ' investir dans de l ' hardware costaux , je redécouvre les instruments NI . Je le fais tourné sous Ableton live 9 standard . Je suis sous iCore 7 , 3 ème génération , format laptop , configuration ultra et il tourne très bien .

    La protection est d ' une simplicité enfantine et n 'est pas aussi casse bonbon que celle d ' UVI , vous crée votre compte , entré le matricule et c'est tout .

    Massive propose des présets et l ' utilisateur peux très bien les bidouillés , mais bon étant geek , j ' aime bien rentré dans les moteurs et celui de Massive est très très bien avec ces trois oscillateurs , son générateur de bruit , il singe tr…
    Lire la suite
    Je me remet doucement à la dark ambient et en attendant d ' investir dans de l ' hardware costaux , je redécouvre les instruments NI . Je le fais tourné sous Ableton live 9 standard . Je suis sous iCore 7 , 3 ème génération , format laptop , configuration ultra et il tourne très bien .

    La protection est d ' une simplicité enfantine et n 'est pas aussi casse bonbon que celle d ' UVI , vous crée votre compte , entré le matricule et c'est tout .

    Massive propose des présets et l ' utilisateur peux très bien les bidouillés , mais bon étant geek , j ' aime bien rentré dans les moteurs et celui de Massive est très très bien avec ces trois oscillateurs , son générateur de bruit , il singe très bien les poly analogique , tout en ayant sa propre personnalité .
    Ont résume bien souvent Massive à un générateur de cochonnerie EDM ,il est heureusement bien plus que cela , mais il faut prendre du temps et pour en tiré son suc , s ' intéressé à la synthèse .
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  • DargorDargor

    Excellente synthé pour les producteurs!

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 29/07/14 à 11:23
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    There were no compatibility issues at all on WIndows 7 32 bits. The manual it's just that, an installation and usage manual, so don't expect it to explain in detail how to use the full potential of the software.
    Setup it's really simple and straight forward, so you should not have any issues with it, so as the configuration.


    Keep in mind that you'll need at least 4 gb of RAM in order to use it smoothly, as well as Core 2 Duo processor, otherwise it may not respond properly to MIDI triggering.
    Works great for live performance, but it's recommended to use it for studio production only.
    Interface could be a little bit more user-friendly.


    As it is said, it's an excellent virtual synthetizer, designed for the experienced sound producer and oriented to electronic music. It has some really nice presets, but in order to get the fullest potential of the program, you will need advanced knowledge on sound production (envelopes, LFOs, oscilators, filters, etc).
    It has great tools and even presets for the filters which makes the production a lot easier, helping you to discover new sounds each time you use it.
    Again, it's not for rookie users, since at first glance you'll see all those knobs and oscilators and feel lost in a matter of seconds, so first you'll need to learn about sound production and creation. Otherwise, you'll find it pretty much useless and ask for a refund, giving away a great tool for sound desingning. Once you learn at least the basics, you'll find why it's called MASSIVE.

    Great software and worths the price and time!
  • sonicsnapsonicsnap

    le son des musiques modernes

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 01/06/13 à 13:58
    J'avais décidé de mettre un avis pour chacun des softs que je préfère. Il m'aurait été difficile de négliger Massive, même si beaucoup d'autres avis on déjà été postés depuis des lustres.
    Installation facile. Autorisation on-line sans trop de problèmes grâce au logiciel "Service Center" livré avec chaque soft de chez NI.
    Massive est accompagné d'un manuel en français de 124 pages (il faut bien ça pour faire le tour des paramètres disponibles) qu'il n'est pas inutile de parcourir. Non que Massive soit compliqué: Il est au contraire très intuitif et pour l'essentiel, on peut se passer de notice. Mais ce serait dommage de passer à coté de petites fonctions intéressantes comme le side-chain …
    Lire la suite
    J'avais décidé de mettre un avis pour chacun des softs que je préfère. Il m'aurait été difficile de négliger Massive, même si beaucoup d'autres avis on déjà été postés depuis des lustres.
    Installation facile. Autorisation on-line sans trop de problèmes grâce au logiciel "Service Center" livré avec chaque soft de chez NI.
    Massive est accompagné d'un manuel en français de 124 pages (il faut bien ça pour faire le tour des paramètres disponibles) qu'il n'est pas inutile de parcourir. Non que Massive soit compliqué: Il est au contraire très intuitif et pour l'essentiel, on peut se passer de notice. Mais ce serait dommage de passer à coté de petites fonctions intéressantes comme le side-chain ou le "bypass mix", par exemple.
    Pour le tour d'horizon détaillé des fonctions, je vous renvoie au test très complet de Wolfen. Rappelons juste que Massive est un synthétiseur à synthèse soustractive et à table d'ondes. Notons qu'on a à disposition 86 formes d'onde bien différenciées. Reste que l'originalité de ce synthé ne se situe pas ici. Pourtant, Massive a un son bien a lui qui le différencie nettement de ses concurrents. Ce son résulte d'un choix de paramètres bien pensés, très efficaces, qui sont propres à ce synthé et qui font qu'avant même d'attaquer les filtres, on peut disposer de matières sonores extrêmement variées. Soulignons à ce stade la pertinence et l'efficience du "modulation oscillator" qui aide grandement à faire des sons tordus.
    Les filtres eux-mêmes sont de très bonne qualité et certains types sont propres à Massive ("acid", "daft" et surtout le très caractéristique "scream", qui porte bien son nom - cf."tutos & astuces".) Ensuite, les effets en inserts permettent de rendre les sons plus "râpeux" et les effets master sonnent dans l'ensemble très bien. Signalons parmi eux une trouvaille: le "Dimension Expander" qui donne une belle ampleur à vos presets (mais qui permet de reconnaitre entre mille un son créé avec Massive.)
    Enfin les modulateurs (ADSRs, LFOs, Performers, Steppers, Macro-Commandes) sont très bien faits et leur mode d'affectation, très ergonomique et permettant toujours d'avoir une vue d'ensemble, est tout simplement génial.
    Si donc Massive ne se distingue pas de ses concurrents par son concept de base, c'est en fait une somme de détails remarquablement pensés qui lui confèrent son originalité et qui font que ce synthé impose un son qui lui est propre.


    Stabilité parfaite et fonctionnement sans problème sur Mac Book Pro, MacOS 10.7.5 et Digital Performer. La consommation CPU est très raisonnable en utilisation normale, mais avec un unison à 64 voies sur trois oscillateurs plus le "modulation oscillator" on frôle les limites du processeur. Dans ce cas extrême, il faudrait que je vire tout autre plug-in de la STAN. Mais bon, il y a beaucoup à faire sans aller chercher de telles extrémités.


    J'utilise Massive depuis des années et je peux dire aisément que c'est un des synthés software que je préfère, qualité et originalité des sons, étendue des possibilités et ergonomie.
    Quand il est sorti, Massive a semble-t-il peiné un temps à trouver son public. D'abord parce qu'il saturait les processeurs de l'époque, mais aussi sans doute parce que la majorité des presets offerts ne cadraient vraiment avec aucun style musical connu. En outre, ses sonorités plutôt glacées pouvaient dérouter dans le cadre de la course au son chaud. Mais en quelques années, c'est devenu un des synthés software les plus populaires. Il suffit pour s'en rendre compte, de voir le nombre affolant de tutoriels qu'on trouve sur la toile. Certes, les "dubsteppers" s'en sont emparé et ont fait beaucoup pour sa notoriété. Mais on a aussi fini par se rendre compte que Massive excellait autant pour créer des sons extrêmement punchy que des nappes et des motifs très planants, et qu'on avait en fin de compte affaire à un synthé très polyvalent. Et finalement, Massive incarne assez bien le son des musiques électroniques modernes.
    Parmi les VSTis que j'utilise, Massive est en concurrence avec deux synthés à table d'ondes: Predator et Gladiator. Mais il bat Predator dans sa capacité à produire des sons qui se distinguent du commun des synthétiseurs et il surpasse Gladiator par sa grande intuitivité et simplicité de programmation.
    En fait, par sa très forte personnalité, Massive sonne Massive. Et quelque soit l'infinie variété de ses sons, ceux-ci sont souvent assez identifiables. Le seul risque qu'il coure donc, c'est que la mode passe. Mais bon, je gage qu'il y a encore des sons neufs à faire avec ce superbe synthé et qu'il n'a pas fini de nous ravir surtout si on l'utilise dans des musiques qui s'émancipent des grands courants qui font la mode.
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  • JoeW1JoeW1

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 23/03/13 à 01:04
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Massive from Native Instruments is compatible with different browsing platforms like Xp , Vista , 7 or MAC.

    The manual that is included with the software is more than enough to obtain the necessary knowledge of how the synth works.

    The setup doesn't require a lot of time or tweaking , it's very fast and easy to follow.


    The software is well balanced in his factory configuration.

    The program made my Native Instruments has a high level of stability as you would expect from such a top ranked company.

    I'm getting very good performances while using this product that combines different types of synths in just one pack.


    Probably the most powerful tool that Massive has , are the 3 types of oscillators that generate different type of sounds , both analog based and digital.
    Another feature to mention , is the pattern sequencer that has 17 channels with different type of curves and effects.

    The design is extremely useful because you get all the modulation effects connected in a simple way , it's visual content gives a certain objective direction to the user.

    What I also like about Massive , is the freq range response , you can create or module different music elements like bass , leads , pads etc.

    My opinion about the value for the price is good , this is a very powerful musical tool , however the price range goes beyond the usual digital synth price.

    If money is not your concern , get this product , you can use it in any genre you want , dubstep , pop , rock , hip-hop , jazz , the sky is the limit.

    I've tried several types of synth , some that were cheaper , other way more expensive , but there's something different about massive , the depth of sound , the interface , the frequency range , that big fat sound is very distinct and useful.
  • AzumaAzuma

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 25/02/13 à 16:41
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    There weren't any kind of compatibility issues , the program works on any platform either Windows XP, Windows Seven or MAC OS.

    The manual provided with the program was pretty quite good, well detailed , however this is quite an advanced synth so you must some effort into understanding it , however all the information that was relevant to the product itself was well explained there.

    General configuration doesn't take long , and setup is pretty easy to understand and have the program set the right way.


    The software works very good , I hadn't had any problems or errors while using it.
    The gear is extremely stable and everything works smooth and great.
    I'm getting very distinct performances while using it , I did create some odd wobbles which I really like.


    What I probably like the most about Native Instruments Massive is how big and rich the sound is , either if you're creating a warm pad , the 3 osc that work together very well create a very big sound in terms of frequency response.

    I also like how this synth combines with the electronic music , mostly dubstep , this product is used by Skrillex and many others dubstep makers in their work.

    The lfo present in this product is very powerful as well , the pattern selector , attack and release options are very complex and fun to play with.

    My opinion about the value of price is good , this is one of the most complex synth out there and its well worth every penny.

    This product takes your sounds to a whole new level without a doubt.

    I've tried several models of different type of synths , I must say that Sylenth1 and Massive are probably my favorite and their use is music wide.

    I like how you can create your own very distinct sounds in this program and get amazing results quite fast once you get used to the program.
  • tarrtimetarrtime

    Synth standard de l'industrie

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 28/12/12 à 14:29
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Massive is a software application and plug-in that can be used as a stand-alone software instrument, or as a plug-in inside a DAW. It is a software synthesizer with internal sound generators and effects processing. There are many different waveform generators to choose from, and all the typical effects are available (filters, distortion, reverb, delay, etc). There is also a pattern sequencer to automate some of the effect internally.
    The software can be purchased on its own, however I received it as part of the Native Instruments Komplete Bundle. It can be downloaded off the NI website and installed. Authorization is completed using the NI Service Center application.


    Getting started with Massive is easy. There are tons and tons of included presets. I have pretty much used the presets with Massive exclusively since I purchased it in 2008. There are plenty of ways to create your own synth sounds from scratch if you want, however I have never really taken the time to really figure the software out. There are tons of videos on YouTube if you want to learn how to create your own synths in Massive. However, if you are like me, I just want to find usable sounds fast, with minimal tweaking and get on to making music. Therefore, the library of presets is one of the most valuable aspects of Massive to me.


    Software synthesizers are a dime-a-dozen at this point. There are so many to choose from, its hard to know which one is best. They all have many of the same exact features, but are also slightly different. Massive has been around along time (and might benefit from an update soon), but remains a favorite to many synth geeks despite many other synths that have come along since Massive was released.
    The GUI really needs to be updated. It looks almost 'prehistoric' in comparison to many software applications that have been released recently. Native Instruments has some of the best looking interfaces in the music market, but they also have some of the most outdated interfaces because some of their products have been around for a really long time without update.
    Massive was just included with the latest update to Maschine. Hopefully this means NI will be moving forward with Massive and not cutting off support for the software anytime soon.
  • BeyondRBeyondR

    C'est une question complexe et fournit un grand bruit.

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 30/07/12 à 23:37
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Native Instruments Massive is a great popular synth mostly used for electronic productions.
    It provides a very deep quality sounds with a lot of options to tweak the sound to get something unique.
    The general configuration is great,everything works fast and the interface provides a nice touch of the incoming voltage that builds the sounds.


    The software works great without using a lot of cpu resources and it provides some nice stability.
    The gear doesn't have any programming errors,so it works very stable.
    I'm getting very good low basses sounds from the synth, also some high-pitched leads do work great as well.


    The thing that I like most about massive is the unique sounds that it provides that can be induced into a more trance song, a lot of producers use it for basses and leads in their dubstep songs.
    Other great thing about this synth is the great design and easy to follow, so that way you can really get into oscillators and complex modulation possibilities and also the filters do provide some great touch to the sound to build something great from scratch.
    Also it has 600 patches build-in that you can use them in your mix and there are available some nice expansions. So on a level of usuability massive really goes all the way.
    It really deserves it's price because of all the rich and unique sounds that you can create from scratch, so native instruments did a really great job regarding the balance between money and quality.

    I've tried many synths, but there are very few on the market that could complete with the Native Instruments Massive, all the knobs, effects, build-in sounds, the great design that allows an easy understanding of the sounds.

    Without a doubt a must-have synth in your library that could take your songs on a complete different level and can make a much better music producers and assure you a spot on the main musical stage.
  • Adyssey BeatsAdyssey Beats

    Programme très capable.

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 22/06/12 à 23:29
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Getting Native Instrument's Massive set up in my DAW, Ableton Live 8, was fairly easy. However following the installation, like some comments have touched on, the sudden exposure to a complicated set of options and parameters that are NI Massive was confusing and intimidating. With the learning curve being so steep, I resorted to looking through some of the enormous library of presets provided and studying how each aspect of the synthesizer affected the signal. Although what I know today didn't come overnight, I found the process of teaching myself the ropes fun and inspiring. Just playing with Massive for a few minutes you can create something totally unique that you have never heard before. Although I had a few years of exposure to sound design before getting into massive, I firmly believe that anyone who dedicates an hour or two every day to the venture no matter what their skill in music production will yield great sounds and a better understanding of what contributes to their development.


    The sounds that are produced in Massive are incredible. If you possess the skills you can create whatever you want, and map it to a midi controller very easily for live performances. As far as the stability goes, the VST certainly puts more CPU strain on my DAW, but it is nothing that my system has even been overwhelmed by. As with most other things in the world of electronic music, Massive takes time and effort to master, but the rewards are well worth it.


    In my experiences with Massive, what I have appreciated the most is the community of artists who create and share their unique sounds with one another. This was extremely helpful to me in getting to learn about the program and unlocking its capabilities for use in my own sound creation and music production. Although it is not useful in every genre, overall I find it to be an essential element to my home studio and an inspiration to my music. Certainly well worth the money, but as a bonus, Native Instruments is running a 50% off sale on Massive right now. I'm sure it won't last long so if you feel the need to implement this in your set, get after it.
  • JeffTadashiJeffTadashi

    Un puissant, synthé visuellement attrayant

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 14/06/12 à 06:38
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Native Instrument's Massive is one of the companies best standalone synthesizers, and it is truly very massive , very powerful, and very flexible. It is all synthesis-based, with no samples used (other than basic waveforms). It supports VST, Audio Units, RTAS (for Pro Tools), CoreAudio, WASAPI, and it comes in a standalone form. What's great about Native Instrument's plugins is that they are very compatible with both Mac systems and PC systems, so they are great for users that use both (like me).

    Massive has an impressively large library, that is well organized, so it's easy to get some great sounds right away, and there is little need to make your own sounds from scratch (although it is completely customizable to do so). I generally find the whole routing and overlay of the sound synthesis a bit confusing to make a sound form scratch, but I am knowledgable to make changes to the basic sound properties, such as fx levels, filters, polyphony, lfo's, and so on. The massive synth truly is massive, but it does take some tutorials and learning to figure out how it all routes and works. This is a bit unlike other synths such as Omnisphere, where the interface and routing is very easy to follow.


    One of the greatest features of Massive is the macro controls; there are 8 of them, and they can be assigned to any hardware knob, and can control almost any parameter on the Massive synth. This allows for incredible flexibility for live control, and you can make some amazing sound morphs with them. This is one of the trademarks of the Massive synth, and if live knob controls are your thing, this is the perfect solution.


    Overall, Massive is a powerful synth that may be a bit over some people's heads, but that doesn't stop us from using it with great success. Be sure to try this one out!
  • AlanForPresidentAlanForPresident

    un must have

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 04/06/12 à 06:53
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Native Instruments Massive is awesome! I use it so much I don’t think I could really go without having it in my vst collection. I cant remember how much I paid for it either, or it may have come with my program but I have been using it since around 08 and it has never let me down. I havent touched the manual and I can still figure things out. It wasn’t easy though because there are just so many options that you have when editing the sounds. I never use the presets as they are but I always build off of the presets to create my own unit sounds and they always come out the way that I want them. Then I can save them as my own preset! Also, online there are a community of Massive users and we all sort of trade presets and build all of our collections together!


    Massive is really stable , I havent had a problem with it and it was super easy to get installed. After I had it in the VST folder, FL Studio did a quick scan and found it in about 3 seconds and loaded right up. Even loading the presets (depending which ones) are quick. If you have ASIO 4 All on yoru system then you wont have to worry about Massive hogging all of your cpu.


    You will need to get this in your vst collection if you are serious about coming up with new sounds. If you even need help figuring out how to really dig deep into molding your own sounds than you can join the message boards or contact me , we are all here to help. I am not sure if there are other versions of massive, this is the only one that I have every tried and owned. There really isn’t anything bad for me to say about Massive.
  • shifteshifte

    top pour tous

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 08/04/12 à 20:42
    -L'installation se fait-elle sans problème ?

    normal.. comme tout VST facile, pas de problèmes

    -Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités ?

    non.. aucun pour temps je l'utilise avec cubase et live.. avec beaucoup d'autre vst

    -La configuration générale est-elle facile ?

    simple... j'ai vus beaucoup plus compliquer!

    -Le manuel est-il clair et suffisant ?

    je ne l'est pas eu en main (occasion...)
    mai sa ne ma pas stopper! comme quoi il est très intuitif =)


    -Quelle est la configuration de votre ordinateur ?

    Asus (laptop)
    Possesseur: AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core 4go

    75.5go mémoire

    -je fait tournée

    Cubase5+VST/VSTi (ma…
    Lire la suite
    -L'installation se fait-elle sans problème ?

    normal.. comme tout VST facile, pas de problèmes

    -Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités ?

    non.. aucun pour temps je l'utilise avec cubase et live.. avec beaucoup d'autre vst

    -La configuration générale est-elle facile ?

    simple... j'ai vus beaucoup plus compliquer!

    -Le manuel est-il clair et suffisant ?

    je ne l'est pas eu en main (occasion...)
    mai sa ne ma pas stopper! comme quoi il est très intuitif =)


    -Quelle est la configuration de votre ordinateur ?

    Asus (laptop)
    Possesseur: AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual-Core 4go

    75.5go mémoire

    -je fait tournée

    Cubase5+VST/VSTi (massive, FM8, minimoog.....)
    ableton live 8+VST/VSTi

    TRAKTOR2 Pro.


    et malgré tout sa MASSIVE tourne très bien..
    (sur Cubase et Live)

    -Le logiciel fonctionne-t-il correctement sur cette configuration ?

    Massive ne consomme pas beaucoup de CPU
    et tourne sur tout !!


    -Depuis combien de temps l'utilisez vous ?

    depuis moins d'un an..

    -Quelle est la particularité que vous aimez le plus, le moins ?
    -LE plus
    son SONS! explosif! on peut tout faire!!
    le grain le routage (simple efficace

    -LE moins
    manque peut être de macro contrôle(6)
    mai suffisent...

    -Comment jugez vous le rapport qualité/prix ?Avec l'expérience, referiez vous ce choix ?

    tres bon prix!! si je ne devais garder qu'un VST: Massive sa hésitation..
    et oui je le rachèterais!!
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  • ophopeophope

    le top du dark

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 04/03/12 à 19:49
    instal facile et rapide

    simple a utiliser

    un ptit souci avec fruitty mais rien de grave ni de très complexe ... tout fonctionne


    8go de ram
    intel i5
    carte son native instrument

    le pc est très performant sous window 7

    le logiciel fonction a merveille

    un seul plantage en 6mois d utilisation et je fait tout tourner en meme temp donc oui c est très stable


    sa fait 6 mois que je l utilise

    franchement c est le top pour faire des grosses basses bien profondes et c est simple d utilisation donc je n ai pas cherché ailleur il me convient , en plus sa coute vraiment pas cher , donc je referais ce choix sans esiter

    Lire la suite
    instal facile et rapide

    simple a utiliser

    un ptit souci avec fruitty mais rien de grave ni de très complexe ... tout fonctionne


    8go de ram
    intel i5
    carte son native instrument

    le pc est très performant sous window 7

    le logiciel fonction a merveille

    un seul plantage en 6mois d utilisation et je fait tout tourner en meme temp donc oui c est très stable


    sa fait 6 mois que je l utilise

    franchement c est le top pour faire des grosses basses bien profondes et c est simple d utilisation donc je n ai pas cherché ailleur il me convient , en plus sa coute vraiment pas cher , donc je referais ce choix sans esiter

    maintenant si c est des sons accoustiques que vs cherhez , passez votre chemin ...
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  • songboysongboy

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 22/03/10 à 19:42
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    I have had no compatibility issues running this synth on my macbook. I have not needed to reference a manual as this is your basic synthesizer setup. Yes, the general configuration is simple enough. You have all the traditional elements of an analog synthesizer set up in an easy to read/use Graphic user interface. Yes, all the typical functions are right in front of you and easily accessed.


    When I first got this unit and started using it in Logic 8, it would occasionally crash. I use it now in Logic 9 and Ableton 8 and there has been no problems whatsoever. I don't know whose fault it was (logic 8 or NI) but everything seems to work great now. I give it a 10 out of 10 for performance. Great sounds, great interface and it functions well with all of my midi gear. I have been using this synth for about a year now.


    What I like most about this synth is that the GUI is rather large. This is important for me because I use a Macbook with a 13" monitor and some synths are so small you end up struggling to control them in live situations. Other important things to mention is that the sound quality is really good, as you would expect from Native Instruments. There is nothing I dislike about this synth that I can think of. The sound quality is very good. Its clean and warm when you want that and its gritty and digital sounding when you want that too, very versatile. I got this one in a package deal and I don't recall how much I paid for the whole thing, but I do remember it being a good deal. I have used a lot of synth plugins over the years and this one is definitely up there. I have to admit that I don't use it nearly as much as I used to but that's only because I am in love with Rob Papen's synths and Absynth. Yes, I would buy this synth again, especially if it was a part of a good deal package.
  • moosersmoosers

    Native Instruments MassivePublié le 25/02/11 à 04:15
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Native Instruments' Massive is a collection of synthesizer sounds, found in Komplete, which houses all of Native Instruments virtual instruments. Massive on it's own is also sold and features everything you'd find in an analog synth and more. You can use Massive in Logic or other DAW's and on it's own I believe, although I've personally only used it in Logic. I don't own it myself so I wasn't involved with installing it or anything. Learning to fully understand everything happening in Massive will definitely take some time! The interface is great and user friendly but there is so much jam packed into this software that it's going to take some time to get used to it all. That's really going to be the case with an super in depth virtual instrument, so it's no different with Massive and is perhaps even more exaggerated because of it's reach. The manual might be a good thing to have around for new users.


    I've used Native Instruments Massive primarily on a friends system who I work with. He's got a decked out Logic set up and we work on his system when we're working in the box and mine when we're doing actual acoustic recording. I don't know all the specs that he's running, but it's an Apple G5 computer that's running both Logic and Pro Tools, although we only use Massive in Logic. It's his go to virtual synth and we use it on pretty much everything we do together. You definitely need to have a good system to run this!


    If you're looking for the ultimate virtual synthesizer, Native Instruments' Massive is for you. I'd highly recommend checking out Komplete 7 as a whole as it's a nice savings when you break it down per price per piece of software included. Massive is probably my favorite of the bunch, but each does it's own thing and everything included is quite useful. Massive on it's own has some of the best digital synth sounds I've heard, as everything from the leads to the bass synth sounds are great. You can tweak to your heart's desire and make your own sounds as well. It has all sorts of effects, filters, and everything you'd want when getting your synth sounds. Massive really is one of the best when it comes to virtual synthesizers.